The masterplan process for this new urban quarter for Swindon regenerates derelict brownfield land alongside the main line railway to create a new community of approximately up to 262no 1B, 2B and 3B flats, 3B and 4B houses together with café and retail space.
The linear masterplan of roughly 60m x 900m demanded creative thinking to deliver the density and mix whilst creating a strong sense of place, also incorporating an important cycle link between Old Town and Swindon Town Centre incorporating the southern flyer cycle route. A new centrally located green open space will help connect residents to nature through the provision of useable amenity and play space alongside protected natural habitats and woodland retaining the sites natural ecosystem.
Taller apartment buildings at the southern end overlooking the park are clad in red and grey brickwork typical of the local industrial railway heritage, whilst the lower density housing is arranged in a series of terraces faced in buff brick and Cotswold stone. We have taken great care to respect and enhance the outlook for neighbouring residents with an opportunity for footpath and cycle connections to improve connectivity and provide safer walkable routes.
New Development
Planning – Outline Permission Granted