Outline planning application submitted for one of our urban regeneration projects.

Outline planning application submitted for one of our urban regeneration projects.


A very challenging linear site with a complex array of constraints including made up contaminated industrial ground, railway noise, ecology, steeply sloping topography, access site lines and neighbouring heritage assets.

The A&P team began working on the site whilst in our previous practice, BM and have been retained by the land owner to lead on design, layout, density, mix, public realm space, biodiversity, heritage and place making.

The masterplan for this new urban quarter that regenerates an area of derelict brownfield land alongside the main line railway, to create a new gateway community of 262 no. 1B, 2B and 3B flats, 3B and 4B houses together with café and retail space.

The linear masterplan measures 60m x 750m and demanded creative thinking to deliver the density, mix and sense of place, while also incorporating the sustrans southern flyer cycle route.

Taller apartment buildings at the southern end overlooking the park are clad in red and grey brickwork typical of the local industrial railway heritage, whilst the low rise housing is arranged in a series of terraces faced in buff brick and Cotswold stone.

#UrbanRegeneration #UrbanDesign #Masterplanning #RailwayHeritage #SustainableDevelopment #Placemaking #OutlinePlanning #ResidentialDevelopment #CommunitySpaces #Architecture #Biodiversity #CommercialArchitecture #ArchitectureandNature

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